Top Springs to Dunmarra.

The 170ks from our bush camp to Dunmara was always meant to be easy. Now on the Buchanan Highway, we were set for a quick couple of hours, a fuel fill, then a day of lazing about the camp site having a rest.

With not much to see other than bush covered in red dust, we were again greeted with millions of corrugations. Only in patches this time but enough to bring tears to the eyes of any hardened traveller. We decided to ignore it and plough on.

In reading Wikicamps reviews on Dunmarra, G encountered a particularly nasty one that was so funny it entertained Peter for a good 50ks. It simply read ‘the woman behind the counter had a slap arsed face and the manners of a goat’. The picture that promoted in Peter’s mind was just too much bare. It was wrong in all regards, but just so so funny!

We came upon Dunmarra in due course. We can absolutely report that the woman behind the counter was the opposite of the Wikicamps review. She was a decent lovely lady who made the best vanilla slice and an equally nice pie. Legend in our book.

We set up camp, did some vehicle checks, patted a stray dog, had a yarn to Bill and Betty from SA (that’s not their real names), asked the bloke trying to fix his van if he needed a hand, patted a stray dog again and did pretty much nothing for the remainder of the day.

Tomorrow we head south