Cracking sunsets and elusive eagles

Day Twenty and Twenty-One: Around Mt Isa and Mt Isa to Middleton

This one is best kept short to let the pictures do the talking.

Friday was spent in and around Mt Isa. Highlights included an underground mine tour for Denise and Richard, although it was not quite the real thing, and a visit to the Granites for our whole group, including Emma our tour guide.

We could go on about it, but at the end of the day the granites are mesmerising rock formations just south of Mt Isa that take on spectacular colours at sunset.

After a Buffs Club feed, we took a couple of night photos of the famed Mt Isa mine then hit the hay.

Saturday was the almost 500 km drive from Mt Isa to Middleton Pub via Dajarra and Boulia. Dajarra held us up for about half an hour as we had a coffee and a chat to a couple of the locals Peter and Genevieve knew many years ago when they lived there.

We reached Boulia 300km after leaving and after trying in unsuccessfully to get a good picture of a wedgetail eagle. The eagles out this way are massive majestic creatures. They have absolutely no trust in a car and caravan pulling up nearby so make their way for the nearest tree as quick as possible.

At Boulia we said our goodbyes to Ron and Julie for they were heading to Birdsville. The last 200 km to Middleton was a drag however the changing countryside made for a quality drive despite the inherent lack of anything but elusive eagles, cattle and spinifex. The Middleton Hotel however was at its best. Great food and a sunset to die for.