Bound for South Australia 2023 – Day Fourteen

Freezing Walkers Rock

Today was always planned as a rest day. Taking our time to rise late, walk stunning white sand beaches bathed in warm sunshine and just simply relax.

Reality was the wind came up during the night, the van awning banged for at least half the night, and we rose early due to lack of sleep.

Stepping outside the warn van revealed the Antarctic had jumped on cheap tickets on Jetstar and arrived at Walkers Rock overnight. The wind howled all day, we froze all day. Opting for a day indoors we watched some high quality streamed TV amid a bit of exercise to keep our bodies moving.

Late afternoon following a few wines, G thought it would be a good idea to officially identify a small red fruit hanging off a small bush nearby. I had located the fruit, noting that in general, anything growing wild that was bright red was deemed poisonous until proven otherwise. Google told us with some confidence that the red devil was a native peach also called a Quandong. With the fruit now identified, G boldly stepped up to taste it. By the look on her face she would have to be pretty hungry to try more than a morsel.

Now full of bravado, G decided it was time to head into the sand hills and slide down the biggest of them all like we all did as kids. Without a proper piece of cardboard or similar to sit on G elected to plonk herself upon a plastic tarp.

None of us will ever know the science behind the failed attempt. It may have been body position, weight distribution or just soft sand, but try as she might, G simple sank and went nowhere. She eventually pedalled herself down the hill demonstrating a distinct lack of style.

The afternoon got colder and more miserable. Our attempts to cook outside failed with the wind blowing out the gas burners instantly. Finally we scoffed scrumptious burgers indoors whilst shivering slightly less.