A day in Winton.

A short trip into town led us to the Musical Fence café. Part of the big pub opposite the other pub, up the road from the third pub, it turned out to be a winner. Warm scones with cream and jam was the order of the morning, as we sat people watching for a while. It was brilliant to sit at a decent sized table, in a friendly café, just relaxing and chatting about not much at all.

After no lunch we headed the half hour out of town to the Age of Dinosaurs attraction on top of a giant mesa. Having been here before we gain enjoyed hearing and watching how bones are extracted from earth millions of years old, by incredibly patient people, with tiny dentists drills. We got the whole story, how they find bones, where they find them and how they name them. They even had one named Pete! Good folks.

Afternoon over, we headed back, hooked up the van ready for an early start Monday.