A Day in Birdsville

Today was always planned. A rest day in Birdsville, chilling out, waiting for our friends Annnette and Bernie to arrive.

Instead, a long day was spent by Peter and Trevor fixing annoying niggles with the cars. Peter had packed his roof rack with too much rearward emphasis and Trevor could not for the life of him fix his rear lights.

The girls did a bit of housekeeping before the big Toyota split the air. Coffee, wine, munchies, dinner and sleep were next on the agenda.

Other that that the %%&^&$ Hema ran flat again and G and Peter visited the local police officer and his wife for a bit. Stephan and Sharon, as always were welcoming and filled us in on the Birdsville news.

No pictures today. As of tomorrow (Monday 3rd August) we will be off air for about 10 days or more as we enter the Simpson Desert. Will be back blogging as soon as we can.

2 Replies to “A Day in Birdsville”

  1. Crikey the Defender made it too the desert. You know Pete there is a sandpit just north of the Coast and you don’t need to drag a mechanic with you; they have tow trucks 🤣 Travel safely and enjoy the serenity (not to be confused with the silence when the Discovery won’t start) Have a good one guys. Cheers

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