Hi I’m Scarlet. Glad to meet you.

Since 2013 I had not need for a personal motorbike. Fact is, in that year I sold my beloved Triumph 1050 ST, replacing it with an incredibly reliable Hyundai i30 for Genevieve to scoot around the city in.

My lack of need related to having access to a work bike upon which I did almost 1000km per week until my retirement in late 2024. The lack of need to pay for fuel, tyres or servicing was also more than welcome. Still, when retirement day came and went the need for two wheels became very real.

Yes, I looked at Harleys thinking the extensive community around that marque may be attractive. I looked at BMWs. Rode one; hated it. Drooled over another, found out the price; hated it. Researched the hell out of a Suzuki GSXS1000GT and thought long and hard.

The dealership was next level fantastic. Not having the exact bike I wanted, they let me test ride two of its siblings in different guises with the words, ‘take as long as you like’. So I did.

The motor was sublime. No, more than that. It was sublime with horsepower. Lots of horsepower. It made the work bike look slow. It handled. It stopped. It looked the goods. I was sold.

A couple of weeks later Scarlet arrived. Deep red and just stunning, no other name would suffice. Whilst we haven’t ventured far yet, she is the perfect travel companion. The age old cringe-worthy saying that the bike was an extension of my mind, is not far off the money. I merely think about railing a corner and she responds. The excitement of riding has returned in bucket loads. I look forward to heaps more adventures.

Scarlet is a keeper!!

Granny undies from now on……….. G-String’s gone!!

A belated post at best. A very long overdue one is a better description. Despite the time lag the news is still somewhat sad.

Yes, you heard it here first; G-String is gone. Our single axle, go anywhere, mostly fantastic Zone caravan has moved on to new owners. The decision was not an easy one, yet it was a necessary one. As retirement approached towards the end of 2024, we re-evaluated our travel plans figuring overseas for the next couple of years was the best option.

Along with that was the sensible consideration that no good piece of machinery survives well sitting idle. So with some trepidation we sent G-String off on new adventures.

For over 30,000 km she had served us well. Dutifully following firstly Puma, then Panther wherever we pointed them. No dirt road was too much of a challenge, no cold or hot out of the way destination too much of a chore. She had been a faithful servant for over three years.

Good bye old friend. Maybe we will meet again on the road someday.