Puma got hitched

Funny how things happen. Last September, Puma, the dirty little stop out, went on the hunt for a partner to follow her around. Being the modern adventurer, she started on the internet, swiping right or left or up or down. There were heaps of potentials, mostly over rated, under performing money suckers. Nothing of substance or suitability.

Early October 2020 things changed when Puma found one with class, potential, solid standing and no flashy bits. Affordability was also a selling point. Right, left, up down, who cared. It was a deal.

Come April 2021 the new one was due to come live with us and keep Puma company. Sadly he got cold feet and his attendance was delayed till May 21st. The final day did come however, and Puma got her mate. The internet being the internet though, Puma and ‘it’ had never exchanged names. So a name was needed fast.

Friends, being friends, have a way of helping you out when in need. An Instagram call out had all two suggestion piling in. The winner was a combination of a family nickname and, well I’m buggered if I know what. But, regardless, we will now enjoy the adventures of Puma and G-String!

G-Sting is actually a Zone RV 17 foot base model. It’s all we need, being selected for its build quality, style, price and the fact it will not make Puma work too hard for her money on long hills. The honey moon will be eight weeks in Western Australia very soon.